2018 RSA Laser Regatta

2018 RSA Laser Regatta

Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club

30 March 2018, 1:05PM

Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club


The annual Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club RSA Regatta is back after a successful 40th edition last year and every sign shows that the upcoming decade promises some more thrilling racing and an opportunity to meet or to catch up with new or old friends.
We have as always some amazing prizes, thanks to the generosity of our many sponsors. There is a Laser Top section for the winner and many spot prizes. 
The following prizes will be awarded: prizes for 1st (RSA trophy winner), 2nd and 3rd in Standard, 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Radial, 1st in 4.7 as well as 1st Woman and 1st Junior.
Book the 22nd April in your calendar to enjoy some great racing.
How do I register?

Click on the Notice of Race
Here is the current list of registered entries. Please note that the regatta is limited to 50 entries.

And wait there is more… as a prologue to the RSA Regatta for those of who want to enjoy a full sailing weekend, we will be holding the day prior on Saturday 21st April, the King/Queen of the River Regatta, where a brand new replica Laser sail is for grabs as a spot prize, as well as some prizes from our sponsor 30 Seconds and a great trophy donated by Jock Bilger to the winner of the event. Click on the Notice of Race and fill out registration for this regatta. ($10 entry fee).

For more information on the regattas, you can either consult the Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club website www.plsc.org.nz or contact me.
We hope to see you all at the RSA Regatta.