Fruit Box and Vege Basket Delivery

Fruit Box and Vege Basket Delivery

KiwiFresh Direct

13 July 2010, 10:23AM

KiwiFresh Direct


Get Export Quality Fruit
Delivered to Your Workplace (or Home)

A healthier work atmosphere and happier people means everyone WINS!

Enjoy a delicious array of fresh fruit available to you in your office or conference room on a regular basis by ordering Fruit At Work. Treat your staff to a healthy alternative snack and let them know you care and appreciate them at the same time! Give your staff the benefits of natural goodness.

• Increase staff motivation and reduce staff sick leave & attrition.

• Make your team feel valued and energized by providing healthy snacks for them.

• A cost-effective staff benefit - they will love you for it!

• Great for both small and large organizations. We also cater to one-off events such as board meetings and

• Motivates Staff • Stimulates mental clarity • Improves Morale • Increases Production

• KiwiFresh Direct unique satisfaction guarantee.

We also have a range of Gift Hampers for staff and clients.

If you want to have the same quality and convenience at home, try our Home Fruit Box and Vege Basket Delivery.
Gift Hampers • Conference Packs • Fruit to Work • Student Famine Packs
Visit our Website or call us for more information
Ph: 0508 KIWIFRESH 0508 549 437

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