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Alliance Party

New Zealand

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Monday, 10 September 2012
Politics 7:13PM
Government robbing Canterbury people of their democracy

Alliance says Government robbing Canterbury people of their democracy Alliance Party media release Monday 10 September 2012 Alliance Party Co Leader and former MP Kevin Campbell says the decision by the Government to keep Government appointed Commissioners in charge of the Canterbury Regional Council is a further blow for the spirits of the people of Canterbury.


Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Politics 2:37PM
Can the Government Guarantee Domestic Power Prices if the Power Companies Are Sold?

The government says domestic power prices will not rise steeply if  shares are sold in the three publicly owned power companies, but can  they guarantee it?  And what if they are wrong?  This has the Alliance  Party worried, according to co leader Kay Murray.


Monday, 28 May 2012
Employment 8:48AM
Immediate Action Needed on Care Workers Wages

Alliance Party co leader Kevin Campbell calls pay rates for aged and disability support workers in New Zealand a national disgrace.


Thursday, 10 May 2012
Education 8:11AM
Student loans should be abolished - Alliance Party press release

Alliance Party co leader  Kay Murray is disappointed that, in the debate over changes to the student loans scheme foreshadowed in the 2012 budget, no one has  questioned the need for student loans.


Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Politics 4:31PM
Alliance Party says fund Green MP Mojo Mathers work technology, Mr Speaker!

The Alliance Party today condemned Speaker Lockwood Smith and Parliamentary Services for denying $30,000 in funding to Green MP Mojo Mathers for electronic note taking.


Monday, 13 February 2012
Employment 2:09PM
Alliance Party supports Ports of Auckland workers in pay struggle

AUCKLAND CITY — The Alliance Party has added its voice to the Maritime Union of New Zealand’s call for public support for Ports of Auckland workers to keep their jobs.


Monday, 14 November 2011
Environment 9:03AM
Alliance Party opposes Fiordland road and tunnel plan

SOUTHLAND — Alliance Party co-leader Kay Murray says it is amazing that DOC is even contemplating allowing the building of a privately owned and operated road and tunnel, spanning not one but two of New Zealand's National Parks, Mt Aspiring and Fiordland National Parks.


Politics 7:24AM
Alliance questions earthquake "project manager" costs in Christchurch rebuild

CHRISTCHURCH — Kevin Campbell, the Alliance Party candidate for the south Christchurch electorate of Wigram, is questioning the need for Project Managers (such as Fletchers and Hawkins) who manage EQC repairs.


Politics 7:20AM
Phil Goff needs to calm down and have a cup of tea

The Alliance Party says Phil Goff's outburst about John Key "smuggling" in extra MPs is quite bemusing.


Friday, 14 October 2011
Politics 12:27PM
Former maritime leader says Rena grounding inevitable result of maritime deregulation

The Alliance Party says that it is clear that the grounding of the Rena is a disaster that didn't need to happen, and is the result of deregulation of the maritime industry.


Thursday, 6 October 2011
Politics 3:25PM
Former MP to contest Wigram for Alliance Party

The Alliance Party has selected former MP Kevin Campbell as their candidate for the south Christchurch electorate of Wigram.


Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Food 3:17PM
Tax justice campaign media release: Why New Zealanders are backing no GST on food campaign

A petition signed by 40 000 New Zealanders asking for GST to be removed from food will be presented at Parliament at noon tomorrow Tuesday 16 August 2011.


Monday, 15 August 2011
Employment 4:20PM
John Key destroys jobs and opportunities, then blames unemployed teenagers

The Alliance Party has described John Key's latest plan to hound young unemployed people with "micro case management", whatever that means, and other punitive measures, as a callous political stunt.


Friday, 22 July 2011
Employment 8:13AM
John Key's New Zealand: Warner Brothers get subsidies, New Zealand rail industry workers get redundancy notices

DUNEDIN — Alliance Party co-leader Kay Murray says it is highly symbolic that Prime Minister John Key was in Los Angeles dining with Warner Brothers at same time as Kiwirail workers at Dunedin's Hillside workshops were being handed their redundancy letters.


Friday, 15 July 2011
Politics 2:04PM
Day of shame for National Government and KiwiRail management

The Alliance Party says Friday 15 July is a shameful day for New Zealand, as a shipment of Chinese built railway wagons are unloaded in Tauranga, less than twenty four hours after it was announced over 40 wagon builders at Hillside workshops will be made redundant.


Friday, 8 July 2011
Politics 8:29AM
Alliance welcomes Labour borrowing their capital gains tax policy

The Alliance Party has congratulated the Labour Party on adopting its capital gains tax policy.


Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Building 10:32AM
Alliance Party commends union action to save Hillside

TAURANGA — The Alliance Party has commended members of the Rail and Maritime Transport Union at the Port of Tauranga for having the courage to try to stop Kiwirail's consignment of Chinese built wagons from coming into the country and destroying Kiwi jobs.


Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Politics 8:37AM
Alliance highlights a big day for a tiny tax on 22 June

Wednesday 22 June 2011 has been declared a "big day for a tiny tax", highlighting the need for a worldwide financial transactions tax to curb financial speculation and provide the necessary funds to eradicate poverty and protect the environment.


Thursday, 9 June 2011
Manufacturing 1:13PM
Job losses at Hillside caused by National's "great betrayal"

DUNEDIN — The Alliance Party says today's announcement of 41 job losses at Dunedin's Hillside Workshops is the result of a "great betrayal" of New Zealand by John Key and his National Government.


Monday, 23 May 2011
Politics 8:58AM
Rally to save Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank

DUNEDIN — Dunedin people will rally in the Exchange today to save the Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank from closure by New Zealand Post management.


Monday, 16 May 2011
Business 8:08AM
Save Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank – under threat of closure by New Zealand Post

DUNEDIN — A call has gone out to Dunedinites worldwide to help save the Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank in the Exchange.


Sunday, 1 May 2011
Politics 1:42PM
Alliance Party agrees with need for Hone Heke to meet Robin Hood

Alliance Party Co-Leader Kay Murray and GST off Food Tax Justice campaign co-organiser Kay Murray says the new Mana Party’s Hone Heke financial transactions tax (FTT) is a great idea.


Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Employment 8:11AM
Alliance Party expresses disgust over IHC sleepover worker appeal leave decision

The Alliance Party is disgusted that the government has allowed IHC leave to appeal the sleepover payment ruling to the Supreme Court.


Thursday, 17 February 2011
Employment 6:51AM
Government should fund sleepover workers wages

Alliance Party Disability Issues Spokesperson Chris Ford has called on the Government to honour the Court of Appeal decision granting sleepover workers full pay.


Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Diplomacy 8:42AM
New Zealand should support Egyptian protests

The Alliance Party supports the people of Egypt in their struggle for basic rights and democratic freedoms.


Friday, 28 January 2011
Politics 8:35AM
National's asset sales just transfer wealth to the rich

The Alliance Party says the proposed partial sale of some SOEs by the National Government would simply be a transfer of wealth from all New Zealanders to a small group of the wealthy and overseas corporations.


Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Politics 9:50PM
Alliance says National privatization plans will hurt New Zealanders

The Alliance Party says most New Zealanders are opposed to privatization, but National will sell off assets to benefit its "friends" – the super rich and overseas corporations.


Thursday, 16 December 2010
Employment 12:08PM
Alliance Party says Hillside rail decision an attack on Dunedin and New Zealand workers

DUNEDIN — Alliance Party transport spokesperson Trevor Hanson says the decision by KiwiRail management to award the contract for 300 wagons to China's CNR rather than Hillside Workshops is an attack on jobs and local industry.


Thursday, 9 December 2010
Trade 9:17AM
Alliance Party tells John Key "don't do it" on TPP

The Alliance Party's advice to John Key on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement:  "Just don't do it." Will he listen?  Not likely.


Thursday, 25 November 2010
Government 1:35PM
Alliance Party calls Welfare Working Group evil bonding group for right wing cranks

The Alliance Party has today called the Welfare Working Group an evil bonding group for right wing cranks.


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