Sixteen Kids Winging their way to the States

Tuesday 21 October 2014, 9:24AM

By Charity Matters


With less than a week to go before this years Koru Care New Zealand trip to the States, the trust is still in need of support.

Each year for over 30 years Koru Care New Zealand has been taking children with ongoing medical conditions or other challenges in their lives on a trip of a lifetime.

A typical child supported by Koru Care New Zealand; is seriously ill, disabled or disadvantaged in a way that significantly affects their quality of life.

Koru Care New Zealand says that many of the children who have been on past trips hadn’t been on a plane before and the reaction is tears, a lot of these tears are from parents too. For many of these families, this is the first time they’ve been apart from their child. And many of the children return home happier and better prepared to face their illnesses; a lot of them become really independent, they will meet other kids with the same illness or who are worse off, and they all become stronger as a result.

Ann Bain, Koru Care’s Chairperson said “Without the kindness of our sponsors and supporters these trips wouldn’t be possible.

“Like many other organisations each year it is getting harder to gain the support we need to make the dream of a lifetime come true for the kids”.

It’s not too late to support Koru Care New Zealand with this years trip, donations over $5 are tax deductible and can be made online at

To find out more about Koru Care and how you can help make dreams come true for children visit