Press Statement from Ultimate Hikes

Monday 30 January 2012, 1:31PM

By Southern Public Relations



A Japanese man in his early-sixties has died while walking the Milford Track with guided walk company, Ultimate Hikes.

He was crossing McKinnon Pass with a group of 31 people and 3 guides at approximately 11.20 am yesterday when he collapsed on the track and couldn’t be revived. People were immediately with him and CPR was performed.

Emergency services were immediately contacted through the 111 system as per the company emergency response plan. Search and Rescue was coordinated by Te Anau Police. The man was helicoptered to Te Anau where he was pronounced dead and his body taken to Invercargill.

The man was travelling alone and had booked his trip through an agency. His next of kin are being contacted.

The matter is now in the hands of the Police and the Coroner.