Golden year for SuperGold

Friday 23 November 2012, 2:37PM

By Jo Goodhew


Senior Citizens Minister Jo Goodhew is applauding the continued growth of the SuperGold programme.

Older people I meet say they’re not only delighted with the savings they’re getting from the scheme but also that more services older people really value are being added, particularly in the health and wellbeing category,” says Mrs Goodhew.

When it was launched the SuperGold Card scheme had 188 businesses with 2,215 outlets. There are now over 4,300 participating businesses, representing more than 8,600 outlets, signed up nationwide.

The number of participating business has almost tripled this year alone with over 2,800 new businesses joining.

The most recent recruitment drive in October had a large focus on health, home heating and insulation services and saw over 500 new businesses in these industries sign up.  This included dentists, pharmacies, physiotherapists, optometrists and chiropractors.

“Our older people are now benefiting from a scheme which is on par with Queensland’s Seniors Card, which has been in operation for 20 years and is the largest Australian programme,” says Mrs Goodhew.

“This Government is committed to offering the best service it can for older people and is always looking at ways in which it can improve and expand the SuperGold Card programme. The trans-Tasman discounts are a perfect example of this.

“Over ninety per cent of Seniors Card businesses in Victoria now accept the SuperGold Card and from 2013, it will be a compulsory requirement for all participating businesses in New South Wales to do so.”