Local authorities lining up in three camps, says Mayor Wallace

Friday 7 December 2012, 4:48PM

By Hutt City Council



Local Government boundaries within the Wellington region are finding a natural alignment along the lines of a three council model, says Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace.

“The decision by Wellington to join in discussions with Porirua and Kapiti about local government reform shows there is a synergy that reflects the natural geographical boundaries within the Wellington region.

“We believe the two Hutt councils forming one united Hutt Valley, a separate council governing the Wairarapa and a Wellington entity will create three strong regional councils looking after their distinct communities.

“The three regions would be strong with a firm footing for the future and have the flexibility to work together on issues that benefit the region as a whole.

“Our community in Lower Hutt prefers the status quo but, if there must be change, we know there is support for a united Hutt Valley.

“There is no appetite for a single super city.

“The majority of councils across the region are saying the model of three local authorities is one that would be acceptable and would work for the future growth of the Wellington region.

“I am confident we will go to the Local Government Commission with majority agreement on a three council proposal.

“The Greater Regional Council chair Fran Wilde has made it clear that parties to the talks she has initiated must support a single entity for the region – which the Hutt Valley does not.

“Efforts by the Greater Wellington Council to strong arm councils into submitting to an unpopular choice will be resisted – the Local Government Commission is obligated under the Local Government Reform Act to seek the community’s preferred view,” says Mayor Wallace.