Former Council nursery land sold for medium density housing development

Thursday 20 December 2012, 1:17PM

By Hastings District Council


Artists impression of potential streetscape for new Fitzroy Avenue housing development
Artists impression of potential streetscape for new Fitzroy Avenue housing development Credit: Hastings District Council


Hastings District Properties Limited (HDPL) has confirmed the sale of the former Council nursery site at 511 Fitzroy Avenue for a medium density housing development.

HDPL will create the subdivision and Hawke’s Bay based company Horvath Homes will develop a comprehensive housing subdivision of twelve lots on the site. The existing house will be retained and renovated to complement the development. The plans for the subdivision will showcase quality medium density housing incorporating strong sustainability initiatives.

Hastings District Council  on  19 April 2012 resolved to declare that the land at 511 Fitzroy Avenue occupied by the Hastings District Council Nursery was no longer required for that purpose and based on a business case prepared by HDPL resolved that the land be transferred to HDPL and be subdivided for a housing development. The business case recommendation was to sell the land to a single developer to enable a comprehensive development to be undertaken in keeping with Council’s strategic direction for sustainable subdivision and building design, with high quality urban living in a more compact form.

HDPL Chairman Peter Snelling says “The business case considered three options for the future of the site. They included selling the site undeveloped, creating a standard housing development, or developing a medium density housing option. The medium density option was clearly the best in return to the ratepayer and it gives Council an opportunity to showcase what can be achieved in a well planned medium density environment.”

“A show home will be built on one of the building sites at 511 Fitzroy Avenue while the balance of the sections will be sold progressively to new home buyers,” Mr Snelling says. Horvath Homes has created a comprehensive development plan with a mix of single and two level stand-alone houses that optimises the best solar orientation for each lot and enables each house to be built to a minimum Homestar® rating of 6 stars.

Horvath Homes director Adam Horvath says “We are delighted to be working with HDPL on such an exciting project on this premium site adjacent to Cornwall Park. Fitzroy will be a benchmark for sustainable development, new home building, and retro-fitting older housing. It will enable us to use and build on the experience we have gained from our recently completed Best Home™ show home in Whakatomo Place, Havelock North.”

Hastings District Council Mayor Lawrence Yule said he is pleased that HDPL has created the opportunity for this type of development which is strongly aligned with Council’s strategic direction.