Just how honest are kiwis?

Monday 4 February 2013, 2:41PM

By PPR New Zealand


Listen up kiwis: Have you ever lied for sexual gain? Or, been a little bit too honest and answered your wife “yes honey, you do look fat in that dress”?

Whether you’re good at telling porkies or honest to the bone, kiwi brewery, Boundary Road, wants to know.

The Boundary Road Brewery has decided it’s time for kiwis to put their money where their mouth is and prove they’re an honest bunch, or not, by taking The Great Kiwi Honesty Test.

The test, which has been developed to celebrate the launch of Boundary Road Brewery’s Honesty Box cider, consists of 15 quirky questions and is now live for the month of February.

As part of the campaign, Boundary Road Brewery is offering 500 honest kiwis who take the test a chance to try Honesty Box cider, and if the lucky few feel the new range is up to scratch, they’ll be asked to make a donation to the Sustainable Coastlines charity.

Boundary Road Brewery’s, Ben Shaw, says the brewery is taking the initiative to find out just how honest kiwis really are.

“Us kiwis like to think we’re an honest bunch, so we’ve taken the non-traditional approach to test that theory. We’re asking the nation to be as truthful as they can in the test and, hopefully when we release the results in March, we’ll be able to confirm that we’re not shonky.”

The Great Kiwi Honesty Test is now open for New Zealanders over 18 to take part in, and Boundary Road Brewery is also offering kiwis the chance to win a season’s worth of Honesty Box cider.

For more information and to take part in The Great Kiwi Honesty Test, check out