Webby retains series lead in womans division State ocean swim series

Sunday 24 February 2013, 7:43PM



Charlotte webby
Charlotte webby Credit:


Webby retains series lead in State ocean swim races.  by John Velvin
Akoroa Saturday 23rd feb Charlotte Webby retained the overall series lead in the 2013 state ocean racing series by coming second to Australia’s  Melissa Gorman the two time Olympian and world champion 2009 and currently ranked no 2 in Australia over 10 km.
Charlotte struggled to keep pace with the superfast Gorman who handled the choppy conditions a little better and who finished only 12 seconds behind the top male Kane Radford.
Webby retains her lead by means of wins in the State Paihia classic and capital classic a close second at the harbour crossing and the second place in the State Le Grande swim in Akoroa.
The series now moves to Mt Manganui for the sand to surf then North Shore for King of the bays for the final two races.
The overall winners of the men’s and woman’s State Ocean Swim series get a $20,000 prize purse.