Team Seagate continue to dominate Day Two of the GODZone Adventure

Monday 11 March 2013, 10:35PM

By GODZone Adventure


Nathan Fa'avae leads his team on the Dingle Burn.
Nathan Fa'avae leads his team on the Dingle Burn. Credit: GODZone Adventure
Teams riding up to the Clay cliffs near Omarama.
Teams riding up to the Clay cliffs near Omarama. Credit: GODZone Adventure

The current world champions of adventure racing are blitzing the field in the 2013 GODZone adventure race that now has the lead teams travelling over towards the Dingle Burn and down towards the Lindis Pass near Omarama.

It’s been a strenuous day for the 45 teams who have now been racing for over 34 hours non-stop. The field is spread out over a 200km radius with back teams yet to start the 140km bike section to catch up to the lead teams.

Warren Bates, race director, says Team Seagate have been outstanding.

“ We have just flown over the course with high country land owner Russell Emmerson in his R44 and managed to see them steadily heading towards Stoddie Hut in Timaru Creek. With temperatures in the area very hot and dry, team leader Nathan Fa'avae was leading his team over the ridge with his shirt off and tied around his head like he was in the desert. They will be looking for any shelter they can find.

“ The whole team has been so strong and Chris Forne, their navigator, has not put a foot wrong and last night led the team through a rough navigation section in the dark faultlessly and well ahead of schedule.”

Second ranked Team Harraways Oats lead by Jess Simson has chased Seagate all the way but fell back slightly with a bike derailleur problem near the Clay Cliffs last night before heading into the trek.

“ At once stage they were neck and neck but then dropped back about an hour however it looks like they are slowly pegging them back.”

There are currently a group of nine teams at CP 11, Bush Hut on the Dingle Burn who has effectively split the field from the back teams. Some are resting in the high country huts waiting for the cool of evening and then they will be racing towards the next TA near the top of the Lindis Pass.

“ We expect Seagate to lead into the next bike stage from the Lindis across the Grandview Mountains to Albert town near Wanaka. I think their strategy will be to move quickly and get the navigation done in the light because there are two big route choices to make on this next bike stage. “

All teams who started the adventure yesterday morning at Mt Cook are still in the race and there will be no short courses kicking in until Thursday. Those at the back are being encouraged to continue and TA staff are most interested to see the state of Macpac who have elected to take a 20km extra route around Lake Hawea.  This could prove to be faster or seriously debilitating.

A full list of registered teams can be found at