'We never get a say' - New Plymouth Council saga

Tuesday 26 March 2013, 12:25PM

By NP Linked Taranaki


New sculpture: 'It looks like a bunch of lego blocks', 'its ridiculous'
New sculpture: 'It looks like a bunch of lego blocks', 'its ridiculous' Credit: NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL
Man gets all the support
Man gets all the support Credit: ANDY JACKSON/FairfaxNZ
Tui board creates all the laughs
Tui board creates all the laughs Credit: Facebook


"You aren't very good at listening to what the public wants, but then again we never get a say anyway." those are the words coming from much of the public in New Plymouth following a saga that could see Oakura beachcomber Eric Brewer evicted from his home of 16 years this week despite widespread public feeling that he should be left alone.

The 62-year-old sickness beneficiary has received written notice from the New Plymouth District Council instructing him to vacate his driftwood and tarpaulin home on Tapuae Beach by 3pm Wednesday this week.

A Facebook page to support Mr Brewer, set up by one of his family members, had gained over 4300 likes yesterday and over 450 people had signed a petition opposing his eviction.

The moderator of the page intends to deliver the petition to council tomorrow morning.

In a poll on the local newspaper Taranaki Daily News website in which 1910 people voted, 70 per cent thought Mr Brewer should be left alone, although 21.6 per cent thought he had no right to be there.

New Plymouth resident Jason Leela told he wasn't happy with the council "Start worrying about what the public wants, we never get a say" 

We asked him just how he never gets a say and he replied "This whole Eric Brewer thing, its ridiculous. He has been there for 16 years, the public is giving him full support yet the council doesn't care. If he gets evicted well, everyone will know just how bad our council is"

Meanwhile another resident Lissa told infonews "New Plymouth has the worst council in New Zealand, I am sick of it all."

"One of my friends family just left New Plymouth after six years of living here and they told me it is because the New Plymouth council just 'doesn't care'."

Jimmy Kurth wrote on the councils Facebook page today "Leave Eric alone!!! You at npdc are so concerned about stupid costly pieces of so called art. You couldn't give a rats about what makes this community.....THE PEOPLE. you npdc are ruining TARANAKI!!!!" 

Recently the New Plymouth District Council has been in the news for alot of issues, one of those issues was the of the $750,000 Len Lye Centre that the council would spend from rate payers money when the majority of the public told the council for it not to happen.

"The wind wand is great, but a $750,000 len lye Centre?! Certainly the council has better things to spend" 

But just in to is breaking news of a sculpture that has been created outside local Library Puke Ariki that has caused more up roar for the New Plymouth council.

"The sculpture looks like some lego blocks that wont bring nothing to New Plymouth" says one angry resident.

Another resident told "What a waste of tax payers money!"


The public we spoke to on the streets of New Plymouth says the council is worrying about the wrong things.

One resident who wanted to be unnamed said "Our council needs to worry about our traffic problems rather then Eric Brewer and some stupid art sculpture. Eric should be left alone and much of the public agrees, meanwhile our public is the ones being hurt by our major traffic issues."

"Everything in New Plymouth is a cock-up" he said.

"All I can ask the council to do is listen to the public, it is so simple."

"I am ready to move"

Meanwhile a earlier news report just days ago saw publishing that over four families had/were going to leave New Plymouth because of the 'major problems'


Below has put together some comments from the outer New Zealand world.

"Hi. I am writing in regards to the eviction of Mr Brewer from his home. I am not a resident of New Plymouth, or even New Zealand, in fact I live in England, and as such I know my opinion probably does not count. However I did live in New Plymouth when I was a child for 4 years and did not want to leave. It has been a dream of mine to return one day and do you know why? Because my understanding of New Zealand (and New Plymouth) is of somewhere which is friendly, fair, peaceful, and respectful and a democracy where culture and diversity are celebrated and discrimatry behavior is frowned upon. Your treatment of Mr Brewer does not adhere to any of these. Please do not ruin my beliefs about your country by acting in a barbaric way which was not acceptable 100 years ago and is not acceptable now! Everyone in this world deserves basic human rights.

Thank you
Vicky Rookes, England



I have always admired and respected the people of New Zealand. They are proud of their country and their freedom. Deep rooted family traditions and values. When I read how the NPDC is planning on evicting Mr Eric Brewer from his NZ home and way of life appalls me. I have been contacting the top USA news stations to spread the word of your actions. I truly wish you will just leave Mr Brewer be...

Sincerely: David Buckley




But even threw out all of these major issues the public isn't stopping... "We will continue to fight until we get what we want"


"He's been allowed 16 years to settle into a life and become attached to it." one man said.

"It needs to be sorted, I am ready to just pick up my things and leave.


"New Plymouth might seem diverse and caring but the people who run our city, arent diverse and caring"

"I wouldn't ever recommend this city to anyone" said one resident in a final comment.