Building blowout over 500%

Friday 29 March 2013, 6:33PM

By RHR Construction Ltd



Another unsuspecting customer has fallen into the trap of a Lower Hutt building firm and faces cost increases of over 500% of the initial estimate, much of the work done unnecessarily.

An inital estimate to repair a simple waste pipe leak under a sink and repair an leak in the bathroom was for $5,000, months later the building firm has completed the work.  The owner now faces years of debt as she struggles to understand how the cost grew to over $27,000.  But more disturbing is that the contractors left her home insecure and caused unnecessary damage that they have not fixed.

A ranch slider from the lounge to the deck was levered open by the builders and now will not operate properly.  The sliding section of the door is merely sitting in place and is purely for show, it will offer no resistance to intruders.  The owner has been forced to put her couch outside to help hold the door in place.  With winter approaching the owner faces a cold and uncomfortable outlook. 

The building firm has been charging the owner a call-out charge for every tradesperson that went to the property, for work that they were contracted to do, this on top of their hourly rate.

How many more unsuspecting home owners will fall victim to this dodgy firm before they are forced to close.