No Win No Fee Explained

Monday 27 May 2013, 5:49PM

By Employment Law Experts Limited


No win no fee can be a way for an employee to get justice in an employment dispute, even if they have no money to pay for representation.

For no win no fee cases, we make a small one off cost of $150, but after that, the employee has to pay nothing further towards our costs unless we are successful in their claim. This makes justice available to everyone, regardless of how much money they have – or don’t have.  If we accept a case on a no win no fee basis, it means that we believe that it is a good case and that the employee is likely to win.

When choosing someone to act for you on a no win no fee basis you should ask how much their fees will be on success. Many firms are secretive about their fees and charge more than 33% as well as a large fixed fee on top. Our costs are transparent and on our website. Our no win no fees range from 25% to 30% (the exact amount depends on the case and will be negotiated with you). Under our fee structure you are likely to be much better off.

Some of the types of cases that are suitable for no win no fee include, unjustified dismissal, exit negotiations, sexual harassment, racial harassment, discrimination, bullying, workplace stress, unfair redundancies, personal grievances, employment mediations, and other types of claims.

Please feel free to contact us anytime to discuss your case. We are approachable, very experienced, and highly professional. We look forward to being of assistance.