Appeal For Safety Tests of New GE Food

Tuesday 10 September 2013, 12:50PM

By GE Free NZ


GE Free NZ in Food and Environment has been advised that an appeal lodged with the Regulatory Review committee has been accepted [1].  The appeal is against the approval of a new GE food resistant to three toxic chemicals of which one has been recently banned in Australia [2].

GE Free NZ have asked Professor Seralini [3], whose work in the area of GE and pesticides is ground breaking, if he will speak to the Regulatory Committee on his expertise.
A report on 2,4-D and the dioxins it contains was aired by ABC Four corners [4] and highlighted the serious effects that 2,4-D dioxin by products have on the environment and on the health of those who come into contact with the chemical.

The ban by the Agricultural Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) comes after the Food Standards Authority, (FSANZ) became the first food authority in the World to allow the entry of soy and corn resistant to the spraying of 2,4-D, into the human food chain.  The Maximum Residue Levels to be allowed in food have not even been set.

Professor Seralini has assessed that almost 80% of GE foods are designed to absorb herbicides like Roundup.  The other 20% are designed to produce their own pesticide.  It is impossible to divorce the improperly tested GE food crops and pesticides from each other. [5]

“FSANZ approved this toxic chemical laden GE soy into the food supply without any data on its safety when eaten by mammals," said Claire Bleakley, president of GE free NZ.

"To make such an approval without safety testing on the 2,4-D residue levels to be allowed in our food, shows regulatory failure. The decision for approval should be immediately overturned, especially in light of the banning of 2,4-D in Australia and some European countries."

GE Free NZ is writing to the EPA to ask that they take action in light of the Australian decision to ban the use of 2,4-D formulations.

[1] FSANZ A1073 submissions and OIA letters,
[2] Chemical Review: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.
[3] FAQ’s on Seralini Study, Seralini Research
[4] Chemical Time Bomb, ABC Four Corners
[5] FSA 'endangering public health' by ignoring concerns over GM food,
John Vidal. The Guardian, 5 September 2013.