The Mt Hutt Peak to Pub race kicks off for the 15th time this Saturday

Wednesday 25 September 2013, 9:12AM

By NZSki


100m dash kicks of the start of the ski/snowboard leg at the top of Mt Hutt.
100m dash kicks of the start of the ski/snowboard leg at the top of Mt Hutt. Credit: NZSki
Runner enjoying the scenic 11km run leg into Methven's Blue Pub.
Runner enjoying the scenic 11km run leg into Methven's Blue Pub. Credit: NZSki
Runners happy to be reach the finishing area in Methven.
Runners happy to be reach the finishing area in Methven. Credit: NZSki


The annual Peak to Pub multisport race, now in its 15th year, continues to attract hundreds of individuals and teams keen to get themselves from the top of Mt Hutt to the Blue Pub in Methven.

The race which is on this Saturday, September 28 is popular because of the unique ski, bike, run combination and also because the relatively short length of the race makes it very achievable for all.

The Peak to Pub starts at the top of Mt Hutt with a 100 meter dash to skis or snowboard followed by a giant slalom style race to the base building. From here competitors race 19km down the Mt Hutt access road to the second transition. Bikes are then exchanged for running shoes. The 11km run into Methven’s Blue Pub is no ordinary road run though. Competitors can expect to be clambering across paddocks and feet could get more than a little wet!

“The Peak to Pub is mostly downhill but if doing it by yourself seems a bit daunting, grab a couple of mates and get a team together” suggests James Urquhart General Manager of Operations Mt Hutt.

“There is nothing more rewarding than a beer at the Blue Pub with your team mates having knocked off the race from the top of a Mt Hutt. The spot prizes aren’t a bad incentive either” Urquhart adds.

Registrations are still open for Saturday’s Peak to Pub. Get all the information and download a registration form at

Note that in the case of unfavourable weather there is a reserve day set for Sunday September 29, 2013.

Mt Hutt closes for the 2013 season on Sunday October 13.