Keep an eye out in your neighbourhood for this plant

Friday 29 November 2013, 12:51PM

By New Zealand Police


After a warm winter and sunny days ahead many people will be taking advantage
of the good weather, including those who may be taking advantage for illicit
reasons, and Central District Police are asking people to keep an eye out for
suspicious activity in their communities.

Central District's spokesperson for the annual operation against the illegal
cultivation of cannabis, Senior Constable Dave Kirk says: "At this time of
year cannabis growing season is usually in full swing and with a particularly
warm winter, and summer nearly upon us, plants being grown outdoors will be
generally in the region of waist height by now and noticeable."

"Police need residents and visitors to rural areas of the District to be
extra vigilant.

“Information and support from the public is invaluable and helps Police
dismantle organised crime networks and bring to justice those who profit from
manufacturing and selling illicit drugs.”

Police encourage the public to keep their eyes peeled and report suspicious

Trampers, hunters, and those who work in rural areas and in aviation can be
of great help at this time of year by keeping an eye out in their

“Those who manufacture and sell illicit drugs in communities can expect to
get caught and be held accountable for their negligent and harmful actions.

“Any information that people have about suspicious activity in their area
is vital and I encourage them not to discount what they may have seen.
Contact Police and we will take appropriate action,” said Senior Constable

Police ask the public to report any suspicious activity including:

People seen repeatedly going to certain locations
        People seen at odd times
        People somewhere they are not supposed to be
        Shovels, spades and other such equipment being carried into the bush
        Vehicles in rural areas closed to the public or with difficult access
        Unusual lights in rural areas at night
        Distinctive smell coming from rural areas or properties
        Items going missing from rural properties that might be used in accessing
plots and cultivation such as farm bikes and fencing equipment
Even when cannabis is being grown inside buildings there are tell-tale signs
for the public and landlords to look out for:

Residents increasing fence heights
        Curtains closed day and night
        Shed and garage windows being blocked out
        Bright lights on constantly or at strange times
        Sounds of fans continually running
        Vehicles and people visiting hours at all hours of the days
If anyone has any information about drug cultivation, manufacture or supply
rings please contact your local Police Station. Information can also be
provided anonymously to the organisation Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.