Goodbye HospoNews Jobs Board say hello to

Wednesday 9 April 2014, 1:55PM

By HospoNews


HospoNews jobs board has been rebranded as well as upgraded to have its own separate top level domain name. I think you will agree that is pretty simple and straight to the point. The new improvements don’t stop there, we have got a few new features to brag about, which will help hospo business owners in their future recruitment drives.

Free company profile page
Tell the world about your hospitality company and why it’s a great place to work. All your current jobs are listed on your company profile page. A link back to your website to help boost your SEO rankings. Also list your Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin accounts easily.

Use your free profile page as your own jobs board
With all your current jobs displayed on your company profile page, a good tip is to link to it from your website and use it as your own professional jobs board.

Cost effective
Hospitality Jobs is extremely cost effective, our ads are only $39 +GST for a standard listing and $59 +GST for a featured listing.

Unlimited edits
Edit your job listing an unlimited number of times when it is live.

Easily relist jobs
A real time saver, why start from scratch every time?

Unlimited Job Pack (valid for 365 days)
Does your hospitality establishment list more than 12 jobs per year on average? Then our Unlimited Job Pack could be a good option for you. Deal with only one cost per year for hiring staff. Save money, for example if your hospitality company seeks to fill a vacancy on average 20 times a year, then instead of paying $780 +gst only pay $499 +gst per year with our Unlimited Job Pack. That is a saving of $281, the more jobs your company lists, the bigger the savings.

No forced job seeker registration
Our Jobs Board does not force job seekers to register with us when applying for jobs. After all you paid for the ad to be advertised, so we wont use your advertisement as a forced lead generation tool.

Social Media
And of course all of our jobs can be easily shared with Facebook and Twitter.
