Watch out for WASPS

Thursday 2 October 2014, 9:25PM

By ACES pest control


paper wasp
paper wasp Credit: ACES pest control
german wasp
german wasp Credit: ACES pest control
german wasp nest
german wasp nest Credit: ACES pest control

ACES pest control get calls through out summer for wasps.  Here's some information on wasps.

There are two types of Wasps in New Zealand that are pests. Here's a basic rule, if you can see the nest, it's the Paper Wasp, if you can't  then it's the German Wasp

Both wasps inject a toxin when they sting and unlike Bees can sting more than once.

(i) The German Wasp. They like to build their nests in the ground, inside attic spaces, under houses, inside walls and inside palm trees frond bases  to name a few.  Basically you will see a point from where many wasps are coming and going. These guys are very aggressive around their nest. They can number in their 1000-10 000s in one nest. 

(ii) The Paper wasp. These guys like to build their nest typically around the edges of roof lines. Either under them or under the roof line above the storm water guttering. Their nests only get to size of a grapefruit their numbers rarely over 100. When angered these guys will follow you away from their nest, and their sting is much more painful than a German wasps. 

Most kiwis have a go at destroying these nests on their own. ACES  would caution you about doing this as there is a risk of injury and small risk of mortality. 

Often people say they can see lots of wasps nut no nest. All the wasps traps that ACES has tried catch wasps but do not reduce the overall number of wasps.  Best to find the nest then we can destroy it.