The New Pumped Website

Wednesday 25 February 2015, 1:55AM

By Pumped Personal Training



Gee'z where does the time go, its already February and the year feels like its running away! With so much to do and so much planned, days in the Pumped office really have been frantic for Kate and I. One of those "things to do" was the website, as some of the features used on old site had gone end of support and we were moving further and further away from latest "secure" version, so being reasonably competent in this area, the challenge was on! Over the last couple of weeks I have been working tirelessly on the new platform, to, as much as possible just migrate the content, but inevitably found myself adding a few new features here and there :). Content has been a challenge this time round, so in response we have decided to run some free promotional personal training and circuit sessions/classes to get some nice pics of all your happy, smiling, motivated, pumped faces! So keep a look out for these sessions via some quick fire competitions soon!


A picture of the about page screen shot

A picture of the contact page

Anyway it's finally up and running and pretty optimised I must say (for a first pass), however i'm only human so if you find any bugs please don't hesitate to let me know so I can go about fixing them! We love hearing your feedback, comments and ideas too, so if anything comes to mind please pass it on.

Hope you like it and are ready for the most action packed Pumped year ever!




About The Author

Chris is one of the Pumped Directors navigating the company throughout the competitive health and fitness industry. With a background in IT and service delivery he provides Pumped with a competitive edge when it comes to technology and ensures the quality of services continue to be high throughout delivery to the Pumped family and sister companies.