Emergency Locksmith Auckland –Dealing with Car Lockouts with Ease

Monday 13 July 2015, 1:40PM

By Sail City Locksmiths



The last thing you want to happen is to be locked out of your car. Seeing your keys inside it, while you are stuck in the garage or in a parking lot, will surely make you feel helpless. Not to mention the freezing weather outside adds nothing good to your situation. The struggle and frustration is enough to ruin your day.

Chances are, being locked out of your vehicle has happened to you before. You are not alone, though in New Zealand, car lockout is a common problem. Fortunately, immediate help is just a call away. With the assistance of a professional locksmith, you can stay calm and get to use your car again with minimal hassle.

Sail City Locksmiths is the company for your emergency locksmith service related needs. For lock-related problems in vehicles, they do the following services:

Replace missing keys
Cut and duplicate late model vehicle keys
Repair damaged locks
Recode locks
Extract and replace broken keys
Fix ignition locks
Supply and program remote opening devices

Sail City Locksmiths’ team of mobile locksmiths are knowledgeable and skilled in providing practical and effective solutions to securing vehicles, businesses and homes. Its 24-hour/7-day commitment, exceptional customer service and speedy assistance make them the leading locksmith service provider in Auckland.

The company has established credibility and built a reputation for providing quality commercial and residential locksmithing and security services. They serve all areas of Auckland and Sail City Locksmiths has the equipment and the expertise to handle all locks-related issues. It has been helping customers end a bad day with a smile for many years now.

Sail City Locksmiths’ friendly and trustworthy locksmiths can provide a free-no obligation assessment of residential and commercial properties. Despite years of experience in the industry, they still strive to be the best mobile locksmith in Auckland.

Their passionate team is composed of experienced vehicle locksmiths. For more information about the company, visit their website at