Waikato Professional Women's Networking Lunch roaring success

Thursday 27 August 2015, 7:19PM

By Halo Biz



The Inaugural Waikato Professional Women’s Networking Luncheon held at the Waipa Workingmen’s Club on Monday 24 August was a roaring success.

The event was hosted by Julie South of Get Googlin at which 52 professional women registered to attend.

Many women travelled from Hamilton and some took the opportunity to network en route through carpooling. 

Julie South facilitated the networking and showed attendees in a hands-on way different ways of effectively turning contacts into connections.

All attendees said they enjoyed the opportunity to meet other professional women in a relaxed environment and look forward to the next one Julie South organises.

Because not all attendees got the opportunity to meet everyone in the room, Julie South published an A-Z Guest Directory which all attendees received after the event.   In addition, she offered a guarantee that all attendees would receive at least one introduction to someone they wanted to meet professionally. 

Four door prizes, with a combined value in excess of $1,400, were drawn at the event.

A $500.00 voucher for legal services was provided by Nicole Carson of Carson Law.  In addition a further attendee-only offer was made valid through to the end of 2015 by Carson Law.

Lynne French from Unique Skin and Body at 87 Grey Street, Hamilton East, provided a gift basket of goods and services valued in excess of $500.00.

Sonja Gardiner Nutrition provided a consultation valued at $140.00.

Yvonne Tong (the Duchess of Cambridge's Florist when she visitied Cambridge, NZ) of Twigs Florist provided a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  The bouquet was self supporting as it was packaged in Twigs’ proprietary designer travel box.

Julie South shows businesses how to use LinkedIn as a sharp prospecting tool plus how to combine online social networking with real life face-to-face networking so you never have to cold call again.