Shops closed in food premise clean up

Monday 10 December 2007, 3:33PM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau City Council has closed four food premises in two weeks as part of the ongoing focus on businesses putting their customers’ health at risk.

The council now immediately closes food premises that are inspected and receive an E grade. Health risks that result in an E grade include the presence of rats, mice and cockroaches, or a build up of dirt, grime, grease and fat. The shops cannot open until the faults are fixed.

Manukau Mayor Len Brown says closing the shops sends a clear message that the council is serious about cleaning up businesses not meeting hygiene standards.

“We’ve done what we promised. We said we would close shops not meeting the high standards that the majority of Manukau food premises have.

“The public is behind the council’s decision to close shops. I was pleased to get the support of the Otara Business Association and hear about some of the work they’re doing with local shops,” says Mr Brown.

The association assists local shops to have good food hygiene standards. This includes advising them of matters that need fixing and help meet some of the costs involved with re-inspections. Some food shops in Otara are also members of the Healthy Kai programme, offering healthy food options for customers.

It is business as usual for the council’s health inspectors who make regular visits to food premises across the city. The four premises recently closed were inspected during the focus on Manurewa premises, the inspectors are now checking Papatoetoe outlets. Food premises in each ward of the city are inspected twice a year.

Food premises that are closed can reopen if they pass a second inspection. But their grading will remain an E for another two months.

“The small number of shops that continue to ignore customer safety will need to lift their game. Improvement will come over time. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen,” says Mr Brown.

People should continue to check the grading of a food premise on the council’s website or by phoning the council call centre on 262 5104. Any complaints about a food premise should also be reported to the call centre.