Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty Ltd advises on how to stay safe travelling these summer holidays.

Tuesday 17 November 2015, 9:49AM

By Media PA


Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty Ltd advises on how to stay safe travelling these summer holidays.
Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty Ltd advises on how to stay safe travelling these summer holidays. Credit: Media PA

Are you travelling these holidays? Kathie Shepard from Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty Ltd advises on how to keep yourself safe while travelling.


Long before you actually book your motel, start by doing your homework. Is the motel in an area where you are happy to stay? If it is close to a venue or facility you need to visit then is it walking distance and how safe is it to walk there at any time day or night. 


“You can find neighbourhood information online or in a good guidebook,” says Kathie.


You'll will also want to find out about the motel's own security measures. “Check if there is onsite parking, how easy is public access to this, are there security cameras? Make sure you are comfortable with all of this before booking.


During your stay make sure you keep your door locked at all times whenever you're in your room. “Use the internal deadbolt or chain lock to further secure the door – especially when you are sleeping or in the shower,” said Kathie.


Make sure you read the compendium and familiarise yourself with fire drills, emergency exits and other important procedures.


”At night, leave a pair of shoes next to the bed in case you need to leave in a hurry. Keep your room key, wallet and a flashlight or cell phone close to hand and accessible to you but not to a burglar ” adds Kathie. If there’s an alarm or the electricity goes out, you’ll have the light you need to navigate an unfamiliar building.



Do not leave anything in your car at night to encourage a thief to break in to it. Lock the valuable items you won’t be carrying with you, such as jewellery, your laptop or other electronics, in the room safe. “Modern motels with a safe that lets you select your own combination are safer than those with keys. If there is no room safe then ask to leave it with the motel owner for safe keeping. ”  says Kathie. “ This may be important for insurance claims if anything goes wrong.”


If you have a group staying in a motel complex make sure you lock your room when you leave. Even if you are just having a drink at your friends room two doors down. You will be amazed how cheeky some burglars can be.


Inform the operators if you are travelling alone and they should keep an extra eye out for you. Generally motels are safe places to stay in New Zealand but taking these small measures will help to protect you should there be undesirable people taking advantage of the holiday period.




About John Griffin Realty Ltd:

With over 45 years’ experience in the motel industry between them, John, Anne and Kathie at John Griffin Realty Ltd. John Griffin Realty Ltd know about sales, hospitality, motel operation and business experience..


Contact John Griffin Realty LTD:


Head Office:


Phone: 07 856 4331


John Mobile: 0274754178


Kathie Mobile: 021979249










Contact MediaPA:


Phone: 0274 587 724











