EZYVISION Recommend Wearing Goggles When Using Contact Lenses

Wednesday 10 February 2016, 9:51AM

By Beckie Wright


With so many people now taking advantage of the benefits of wearing contact lenses, EZYVISION, New Zealand’s premier online contact lens supplier, advise that swimming with contact lenses should be avoided whenever possible to help prevent bacterial contamination of the eyes. As they explain, swimming with contacts can result in eye infections, irritation and potentially sight-threatening conditions such as a corneal ulcer and they recommend that contact lenses should not be exposed to any kind of water, including tap water and water in swimming pools, oceans, lakes, hot tubs and showers.

Swimming with contacts can irritate and even damage the eyes, so EZYVISION advise that wearing swim goggles is a safer way to see clearly both above the surface and underwater. If water gets in the eyes when swimming, lenses should be removed, cleaned and disinfected as soon as possible to reduce the risk of eye irritation and infection. The team at EZYVISION also advise that rigid gas permeable (GP) contact lenses should never be worn while swimming, as they are more likely to dislodge from your eye. While soft contact lenses are more likely to remain on your eye when swimming, they are porous and can absorb chemicals and bacteria, increasing the risk of eye irritation and infection. Also, fresh water and water in swimming pools can cause soft lenses to tighten on your eyes, causing significant discomfort. For those who do decide to swim with contact lenses, daily disposable lenses are the safest option. They are meant to be worn and thrown away after a single use, eliminating the need to clean and disinfect them.

As the EZYVISION team say, to be safe, it's a good idea to discard daily disposable lenses immediately after swimming, rinse your eyes with rewetting drops or artificial tears approved for use with contact lenses, and then replace the lenses with a fresh pair of daily disposables. For those using daily disposables for occasional wear, they offer good value for money when comparing the cost of contact lenses.

EZYVISION recommend that when not in use, storing the lens in the right way can prolong the life and usability and for people who wear contacts daily, they need to clean them every night (unless using daily disposable lenses). Lenses can be cleaned a fresh cleaning solution, which should also be used in the lens case when storing the lenses. Following these tips will help extend the life of contact lenses and keep them clean and unscratched. However, it is crucial to change the contact lens case every six to eight months to avoid any infections.

To order your contact lens and for more information on EZYVISION, please visit the website at  .