Toe Rings and Married Women Know the Connection

Wednesday 21 June 2017, 6:25PM

By sarvesh sarang


Toe rings are quite prominent in India and are basically worn by Hindu married women. it is known by various names like bichiya in Hindi, Mettelu in Telagu, Metti in Tamil Nadu, Kalungura in Kannada. As per Hindu tradition, toe rings are very important for married women and mandatory to wear. Even Muslim women wear toe rings. These are fabricated majorly in silver and worn on the second toe of both feet in pairs.

Since gold holds a respected status and is not supposed to be worn below the waist, therefore it is made of silver only. Gold is also related to goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and some find it inappropriate to wear on feet. The toe rings not only hold traditional or cultural values. There has been some scientific and Ayurveda significance too. Following are the points:

  • Wearing toe ring has been effective in the treatment of gynaecological problems. Massaging the second toe is helpful.
  • Wearing a ring on the big is supposed to have curative effect for men and also increase their masculine vitality.
  • It is believed that wearing a toe ring presses certain nerves that relate to are productive system and keeps it in health and balance.
  • It is also a source of acupressure treatment according to ancient Ayurveda.
  • In order to stay healthy, it is mandatory to have balance in prana or life force and it runs down to your toes.
  • It is also believed that wearing toe ring on both feet shall keep a regularised menstrual cycle thus giving a good chance for married women to conceive.
  • Some say that the nerve of the second toe is connected to uteruses and heart. Therefore, a regular movement keeps the body and body organs revitalised
  • Silver is also considered to be good conductor of energy. The whole body system is refreshed when the energy from the poles passes through the body.
  • Some say that wearing toe ring also has an erotic/sexual effect.

The toe rings clearly define the traditional values which have been prevalent since the age of Ramayana and the ayurvedic health benefits that it has for women. It is an essential part of women jewellery among the gold necklace, bangles, nose rings and many more.  This tradition has passed on from generations to generation among families. Apart from being just jewellery, toe ring provides natural health benefits to women like acupressure. We all know that there are certain pressure points in the fingers and toes that can help in ailment of problems in a natural way.

The toe rings are not only limited to India but has been introduced abroad as well. It was familiarised in the USA in 1973 as a fashion accessory. Even in India, it is becoming popular as fashion jewellery and available in various designs, styles and metals.

Summary: the article gives a brief about toe rings which are commonly worn by married women in India. It also attaches some health benefit according to ancient Ayurveda. This is women centric information and makes them more aware of the significance of toe rings.