Tauranga Relies on Private Vehicles More than Any Other New Zealand City Centres

Wednesday 19 July 2017, 2:21PM

By Sheaff Vehicles



Tauranga residents are no stranger to public transportation. But it appears that locals are more reliant on private vehicles.

The New Zealand Transport Agency released data indicating that 91% of the city’s population use cars to get around. This is a massive difference from the 2% who take the bus, the 3% who use a bike and the 4% who choose to walk.

The dominance of private vehicles in the city is also noticeable as compared to other main centres in New Zealand. The closest is Hamilton at 8%, closely followed by Auckland at 85%. Wellington brings up the rear at 54%.

Multi-awarded car dealer Sheaff Vehicles is no stranger to this information.

Tauranga residents still prefer to use their own cars on city roads despite years of public awareness campaigns about cycling and taking the bus. As such, they are always on keen to look for trusted dealerships that can provide for their motor needs.

Sheaf Vehicles takes its role seriously as a provider of new cars and auto parts in Tauranga. It initially offered second-hand vehicles when the dealership opened in 1989. Its team has worked tirelessly over decades to also provide local residents with brand new cars from reputable brands.

The car dealership even has full on-site facilities to accommodate all motoring needs. Its friendly sales team, under the guidance of Mike Sheaff and Craig Jacobson, provides comprehensive vehicle-related services in the area.

Furthermore, the dealership offers sensible trade-ins and financing options for local residents who want to own a private vehicle.

Look no further than Sheaff Vehicles for a car dealer in Mount Maunganui and Tauranga. Its friendly and knowledgeable team will do everything to make your transaction a quick and hassle-free process.

For any motor vehicle needs, give them a call at 07 575 67722.