How To Prepare For a Long-Distance Move With Conroy Removals

Monday 24 July 2017, 2:51PM

By Beckie Wright


Moving can be a stressful life event even when you’re just moving around the corner, let alone to another city or country, and the helpful team at Conroy Removals stress it is important that you prepare yourself for your big move with things like estimates and keep track of tasks that need to be completed. 


Conroy Removals advise that before you pick up the phone or reach out to any moving companies about your long-distance move, plan your move out to the smallest detail. This should be done months before your moving date. Before asking for an estimate, use the Internet to do your research, and check reviews on a variety of sites. While you're checking for good and bad reviews, you also want to see how the company responds to complaints. That will tell you a lot about how they'll treat you during the moving process. 


Once you've picked a few companies, have them come to do an in-home moving estimate. While you can estimate your items, there's no way you'll get an accurate account of everything you'll have to move, plus the weight of the items. After getting an estimate from a few companies, settle on the one you'd like to hire and set the date. Have them confirm everything in writing, so you'll be sure to have a definitive date for your move. 


Now, it is important that you declutter before your move, and this is the perfect time to really declutter your life. Donate, sell or trash the clothes that you're unlikely to wear again, and check out the garage, attic and basement for things that can be donated too. A moving garage sale is a great way to make some extra cash for your move, which means there will  be less to move, which will save you money too! 


Your next step is to plan where all the furniture will fit in your new home, so that if it is smaller than your old one, you don’t end up paying to move furniture you will no longer need. Those pieces that you don't need can be sold, donated or trashed. The Conroy Removals team also recommend that you don’t allow allow the moving company to disassemble your furniture and keep the hardware. Yoou need to keep all the screws and pieces in a central location, putting them into plastic storage bags and labelling them properly. At the new location, you'll easily be able to pull out all the bags and know exactly which ones you need immediately. 


It is also helpful to use a system when packing your boxes, investing in packing materials and good, strong boxes for the move. Label all the boxes according to room and what's inside. You should also number the boxes, so you'll know exactly how many there are when you get to the new location. 


To find out more about Conroy Removals and their moving services, including international moving, please go to .