The Average day for a lawn mowing business

Friday 9 March 2018, 11:42AM

By Zach White


For all of Crewcut’s customers across New Zealand we hope that your service provider takes the time to communicate with you and look after your property. It may seem like a straight forward career but we see it for it’s true challenges. As they are providing a service there is so much that surrounds what that entails. Along with delivering the best lawn mowing service, hedge trimming, or gardening in NZ, they also have to focus on their paperwork and the maintenance that is required to make their business successful.

So of course they are out on the tools most days of the week. With the exception of the few that have designed their lawn runs to work out so they get a day off, most operators are out on the tools Monday to Friday. They’ll be out there rain or shine making sure they are delivering their services to their list of clients. They’ll have to organise in advance for what they are providing on the day whether it is just lawn mowing, or if they plan on hedge trimming or some basic gardening. They will have to make the time to commit to the bigger jobs that require more time and more tools.

A Crewcut lawn mowing business wouldn’t be what it is without well maintained tools, which is a major part of a service provider’s work. They’ll have to make sure that their lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, weed eaters, blowers, and any other tool with moving parts is working how it should be. They’ll have to clean it, repair broken parts, order new parts, or buy a new one in total. Whether they do it themselves or send it in to the shop is up to them but it all takes time. They also need to make sure their vehicle is all in order as well. Making sure it’s clean, has a WoF and registration or has any repairs that need to be made is just part of the day as well.

What’s a business without paperwork? Though it may never be the most glamorous part of the job it’s the work that actually brings in the money and makes the business function. By processing all the invoices, collecting receipts for the fuel tax rebate, and going through health and safety legislation. Some of our operators take the initiative to do this work on a day when they’ve been rained off which can be all too common during winter, but the majority of this work has to be done after service hours and into the evening.

There is much more to owning a Crewcut business than lawn mowing, hedge trimming, and gardening services. Our operators need to ensure their maintenance is carried out properly so their business can function. They also need to stay on top of their administration work to ensure their business will be profitable. These 3 key parts of the business are the essentials in day to day. This is just as brief outline of what their days might entail. If you could handle this and provide something extra for customers, why not look into buying a lawn mowing business with Crewcut?