An Exciting New Website For Impact PR

Thursday 26 April 2018, 1:35PM

By Beckie Wright


A dedicated New Zealand communications, marketing and public relations company with an enviable number of strings to their bow, Impact PR’s team of creative superstars will influence, inspire and engage your audience. They have a brand new website and many exciting new services; however, being a public relations company, public relations is what they do best.

Public relations is by its definition, the actions of an organisation to promote goodwill between itself and the public. As a leading PR agency in Auckland,  the team at Impact PR are skilled in the art of promoting this goodwill.

PR is an honest account of how others see your brand, and essentially, it’s their opinion of you, your products or services. In today’s world where the lines of editorial content and advertising are blurred, the increase in the amount of ‘native advertising’, ‘fake news’ and the growth of influencers and bloggers, makes it problematic for consumers to decipher what is real and true about what you have to offer.

An effective PR campaign will deliver greater brand awareness about you, what you stand for or what your products or services deliver, and positive third party endorsement. It is a PR firm’s job to get other people talking about you in a positive way, and in contrast, advertising is the paid message that you want consumers to hear about you.

Impact PR’s experience as business owners has given them insight to just how far the marketing dollar needs to stretch, which is why they treat each of their clients’ businesses as if they were their own. While the line between public relations and advertising continues to blur, they strongly believe that the fundamental difference remains – advertising is paid media, PR provides free editorial exposure.

Impact PR are responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with your target audience, relevant media and key influencers. On any given day they could be drafting news releases and additional content for news, working with the media, arranging interviews for brand spokespeople, designing communications campaigns, speechwriting, speaking to media on behalf of your business, preparing clients for press conferences, media interviews and speeches, creating content for social media and websites, managing crisis and issues, overseeing internal communications, or organising events and activations!

Keep Impact PR in mind when you are looking for information on PR, PR agencies Auckland and PR agencies please go to .