Rural water tampering causes frustration

Friday 21 December 2007, 3:52PM

By Southland District Council



Frequent rural water supply interruptions, particularly in the Te Anau Basin area, are causing headaches for Consumers, as well as for Council Staff and Contractors. A major contributor to the problem is consumers tampering with the water restrictors fitted on each tank, to increase the flow of water. This in turn causes pressure in the supply network to drop, meaning some other consumers lose their supply.

Water and Wastes Technical Officer Karen Ladbrook said that the Council is becoming fed up with the continual problems caused by tampering with restrictors. "Every time someone is without water, our Contractor has to drop everything and go to investigate the cause of the problem. This interrupts routine maintenance and can also impact on the Contractor's ability to respond to other emergencies". She went on to say that; "many people who tamper with the Council's water supply network don't realise that they are, in fact, stealing water from their neighbours".

Council Chief Executive David Adamson also took a dim view of this practice and said that the Council would not hesitate to prosecute repeat offenders.

The Southland District Council would like to urge all consumers on a rural water supply to monitor their water use and to report any supply problems to the Council as soon as possible. Consumers are also asked to refrain from interfering with any Council pipework, valves or restrictors.