The importance of great customer experience

Tuesday 10 December 2019, 10:46AM

By Pixi


Fostering a healthy company culture will permeate through your business
Fostering a healthy company culture will permeate through your business Credit: Pixi


It’s no secret – providing exemplary service to customers is one of the keys to business success.


Customer service directly affects customer satisfaction and, when done well, fosters brand loyalty and repeat business. While one may assume that sound customer service is determined solely by interaction with the customer, studies have shown that building customer experience into your brand identity will reap long term benefits.


In 2019, customers are savvy and have a myriad of different options for where they do business. This is why creating a company culture that places the customer experience at the heart is critical to long-term success.


We can all recall a moment where we have received excellent customer service, be it a friendly receptionist, a helpful retail worker or a diligent waiter, positive interactions stay with us.


When working to create a company culture, align your internal habits with your customer face experience – the more valued staff feel, the more pleasant the work environment and interactions among staff. This will naturally permeate through all levels of your business and result in positive customer interactions, time after time.


This is particularly important in a small market like New Zealand, where reputation and word-of-mouth play a massive role in business success.


Danny van der Velde, Director of Albany-based printing agency, CMD Print Solutions explains how they fostered brand loyalty among customers through their emphasis on fostering great company culture.


“We’ve been in business for over two decades and still work with many of our clients from the early days”.


“We always try and create a pleasant work environment and realise that good people make a good business”


“Our staff in customer-facing roles are the perfect example of this and do a wonderful job of creating these positive interactions, every time they deal with a customer.”