Introducing Future Kids Preschool New Plymouth

Wednesday 26 February 2020, 2:29PM

By Beckie Wright


Future Kids New Plymouth is located at 1 Swans Road, Bell Block, and offer three months  free childcare for early enrolments, 40 hours free for each and every child you enrol. Their natural outdoor spaces, with a lovely bright and light indoor area are a child’s big backyard a home away from home. They also provide home grown cooked meals that have organic wholesome food included in them with our no added sugar policy each and every day.

Future Kids Preschool's focus is on the children of our future and earth, inspiring children to create, and empowering them to learn, doing this with a holistic approach that nurtures both the child and our earth. They also empower all children and adults to be creative risk takers, promoting positive attitudes and values that lead to open ended learning experiences, and empower children to be confident learners and communicators.

The programme at Future Kids is based on the New Zealand early childhood education curriculum called Te Whâriki, which is committed to providing a programme that balances the interests of the child, together with the aspirations of both the parents and teachers. The programme is varied and flexible on a day to day basis, developing the curiosities of the children, offering a range of learning opportunities to engage tamariki in a well-resourced, creative and inspiring environment.

Future Kids see children as capable learners and believe their job is to provide the experiences and opportunities to encourage a love of learning, as well as the essential skills a child needs to be confident in their world. Their team of qualified, experienced and knowledgeable teachers engage with your child, getting to know their interests and personalities through activities, experiences, group times, shared kai times and the choice between inside and outside play.

At the heart of their programme they have a commitment to being kind, nurturing and caring while sharing in laughter throughout each day, and their teachers document the children’s learning through observations which they call Learning Stories. This documentation can be seen within the centre, portfolios and online through a private documentation system called Educa.

This documentation forms the basis of their programme planning, and they aim to work in partnership with you and value the goals, aspirations and ideas you have for your child, so for more information on daycare New Plymouth, childcare Hamilton and outdoor environments in early childhood please go to .