Just Water Back in Action in Levels 2 & 3 of the COVID-19 Lockdown in New Zealand

Sunday 24 May 2020, 4:06AM

By Beckie Wright


After the COVID-19 lockdown at Level 4, Level 3 meant that businesses like Just Water got back into action, and like Just Water, will now be busy working through the various requirements to get their workplace to the new required basis for Level 2.   

To help you and to keep you hydrated, please let Just water know that you too will now be opening during Alert level 2, whether partially or in full, which will enable Just Water to get their team ready to help you again.

As part of operating as a safe business, and with the wellbeing of their team, and yours, remaining their number one priority, Just Water continue to follow stringent Health & Safety processes as recommended by the Ministry of Health. These include equipping their water delivery and service teams with appropriate PPE including hand sanitiser, gloves and masks. They also include ensuring that physical distancing is maintained at all times, and implementing contactless water deliveries, and rigorously following hand, cough and sneeze health hygiene.

Just Water will continue to maintain COVID-19 check-ins across their team, and working from home for their office-based staff wherever possible. Just Water will continue to service their essential business customers in Alert Level 2, just as they have done during Alert Level 3.

Just Water branches will remain closed for customer visits, but their Just Water Customer Services team will be working from home and ready to help as always, and for more information on water cooler delivery, bottled water delivery and water purification filters please go to .