Transportable Homes as Holiday Homes

Thursday 25 February 2021, 11:11AM

By Premium SEO NZ



Finding the ideal holiday home can be a long and often fruitless search. You likely want a property that is in a stunning location, but it can be difficult to find as many of the best houses have already been snatched up. Or you may find the ideal holiday house, but it’s not in an attractive location that you want to visit on holiday.

While timeshares may seem like an appealing option for regular holidaymakers, these come with a few drawbacks. You may not have to do any upkeep on these types of properties, but you will usually be charged a high fee to cover yearly maintenance. It can also be challenging to book out the specific time period you would like, as there will be others looking to book it also.

Don’t take the leap and buy the first bach you find. Many people purchase a holiday home, expecting that they will enjoy holidaying in that location forever. However, as the years pass, you will likely get bored with the place you visit numerous times per year, so you better be sure that you love the region.

Luckily, there is an ideal holiday home solution that many people are now choosing instead; transportable homes. All you need for one of these fully equipped homes is a spare piece of land to put it on. So, if you’ve found a fantastic section for your holiday home but it’s currently sitting empty, you can simply buy a transportable home for that land. Or maybe you have a family member with a large section; perhaps you can put a transportable home on their property for extra living space when you visit.

A transportable home can be used as your own private holiday home for you and your family to use. As transportable homes are thoroughly modern homes with all of the fixtures required for everyday living, they make a great bach. Complete with taps, bathrooms, and fully functioning kitchens, what more could you want? Head there whenever you like with none of the hassles of a timeshare or upkeep of an older bach. Your family will love having this space for regular get-togethers and holidays.

Additionally, your transportable home can also provide a steady stream of extra income for you when you’re not using it if you decide to start renting it out. There are many websites where you can list a holiday home for people to rent on a nightly basis. This is an easy way to make some money with minimal effort on your behalf. Simply ensure that people can access a key, provide fresh towels, and you’re good to go. Guests will love staying in a fully fitted home with all of the modern finishings that come with these houses.

One of the significant benefits of owning a transportable holiday home is that you can move it whenever you want to. Bored of holidaying in a particular area each year? These units are designed to be lifted and shifted, so are easily transferable to a new property. That means that you’re not tied into vacationing in one place every single year. No more boredom while on holiday – change up your location whenever you like.

One provider of transportable homes NZ is Able Spaces. They sell everything from one to four-bedroom residences that are the height of modern living, while still being fully transportable. That way, if you change your mind about your ideal holiday home location, it’s merely a matter of lifting and shifting your home to its new place of residence.