HomeLegal Warns Against Rising Interest Rates

Friday 7 May 2021, 11:55AM

By Media Giant


Rising mortgage interest rates are expected for the rest of 2021.

As the economy starts to build up again due to the rollout of Covid vaccinations and our borders slowly opening again, interest rates are also likely to increase. Investors and homebuyers should prepare for this potential rise ahead of time to ensure their financials are in order.

In the first few months of 2021, the mortgage interest rate has already risen by 0.5%, highlighting the fact that it is likely going to grow further. The exact increase is difficult to define and is influenced by a number of factors, including inflation.

Being a specialist property lawyer, HomeLegal can help with refinancing your mortgage to ensure that you get the best interest rate according to your needs. Our experienced professionals can give you legal advice on all your home purchase and mortgage repayment questions. We will support you from the beginning of your purchase journey right to the discharge of your mortgage. If you aren’t sure what these potential interest rates might mean for you, get in touch with our team!

HomeLegal provide a comprehensive residential conveyancing service to all of our clients. As specialist property lawyers, we support you during the buying or selling of your home in the greater Wellington region. We strive to work together with you and get the best outcome for your situation. If you would like to find out more about our services or what the rising mortgage interest rates might mean for you, contact us now!

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