Increased Pasture Growth Observed in Energised Water Trial

Monday 5 July 2021, 9:00PM

By HydroBoost NZ


19% increase in pasture growth
19% increase in pasture growth Credit: HydroBoost NZ
The benefit of energised water over non energised water
The benefit of energised water over non energised water Credit: HydroBoost NZ

Pasture production, adjusted for the effect of soil phases, was 19% higher under energised irrigation than with non-energised water.

Farmers and growers have an important role to play in protecting the quality of our rural waterways. Stock access, soil erosion, overuse of fertiliser, and nutrients from animal waste all affect water quality and ecosystems. It can seem difficult to find the right toolset to help mitigate some of the harmful environmental effects.

A tool to help solve this problem has been undergoing trials and is being used by a number of farmers throughout New Zealand, across varying farming types with positive outcomes.  One five year field trial investigating the effect of energizing irrigation water commenced in December 2016 at Shortlands Station, Kyeburn, Central Otago.

The result was quiet surprising – a 19% increase in grass growth. This was on pasture that had not been worked since 1962 nor had any fertilisers applied, (effectively the ground was untainted). This figure was unexpected.

Effectively the Hydroboost technology (developed in New Zealand by a Kiwi farmer) energises applied water by creating extra electrons to the skin around a droplet of water thus creating H3O2 (ref Dr Gerald H Pollack, Ph.D - 4th dimension of water). This helps stimulate microbiological activity in the soils increasing the update by plants of carbon, moisture and other debris in the soils.

So how would this be of benefit to farmers? Using the example of a dairy farmer and based on the 2019.2020 statistics, the average dairy herd size in New Zealand is 440. If we look at even a highly conservative 5% increase in grass growth, this could equate to an additional 20kg of milk solids per animal annually. At a $7.25 per kg (though increasingly looking more like an $8.00) payout, this could equate to an additional $64k to the bottom line each year.

As well as increased grass growth, there were some additional benefits noted;

  • The temperature variation is reduced. The microorganisms appeared to hold the moisture and increasing the root aeration. With reduced temperature range, potentially, the irrigation shoulder season can be expanded
  • The amount of applied water was reduced. This meant that water was used more efficiently and for farmers with tight water budgets, it can provide additional flexibility around annual water management.
  • Reduction in fertiliser required to provide the same growth. In other trials, it has been shown that using energised water mixed with fertilisers can also increase the effectiveness of applied fertiliser
  • Reduction in Iron and Mangeanse levels in water applied. This can reduce unwanted chemical imbalance in the soils and potentially extend the life of irrigation equipment.

It is clear that that energised water does make a difference. Either applied directly via water take to paddocks or in conjunction with other liquid fertilisers, (less application rates required at a lower cost) to provide increases in productivity, the HydroBoost technology is one environmentally friendly tool to assist farmers profitability in increasingly regulatory times.

Michael Richards
General Manager
027 443-8389