Don't Overlook your Home's Electrical Setup

Saturday 25 September 2021, 10:49PM

By Premium SEO NZ



The average homeowner understands that general home maintenance is par for the course. From superficial fixes like filling cracks in a wall to more substantial outlays like landscaping a garden for better water management, there are endless small and large tasks associated with owning and caring for a home.

Some aspects, however, can often go unmaintained for decades – until something goes wrong or an owner is looking to sell. A prime example of this is a home’s electrical setup as, for the most part, the average owner tends to assume that aside from some electrical-related maintenance like changing the odd lightbulb, their home’s electrical system is ‘fine’.

It’s often only when there’s a blackout or a visible electrical short that owners will call in a professional. However, to avoid such issues in the first place, it is recommended that home electrical installations be checked every 10 years. This means that for many owners of older Christchurch homes, an inspection may be well overdue. Not only can a professional electrician ensure that wiring is safe, but they can also offer options for updating any outdated circuit boards or other electrical elements. Most electricians can also recommend ways of making even very old homes more energy efficient, thereby saving owners money in the long-run and improving the potential resale value of the property.  

Neglecting electrical inspections and updates may not only prove more financially draining with time, but could even lead to potentially dangerous or life-threatening situations like fires or electrocution. Hence, all owners, regardless of whether or not they are seeking to sell their properties in the near future would be well advised – especially if their properties are older than 10 years, or if their last inspection was over a decade ago – to call an electrician in Christchurch for an inspection and invest in making any necessary updates.