Who can benefit from acquiring managed IT services?

Tuesday 1 February 2022, 3:04AM

By Premium SEO NZ


As digitisation becomes the norm, more and more organisations are having to improve their IT infrastructure and general practices. The result has been that just about any existing organisation is now finding greater need for specialised IT services –schools, NGOs, governmental departments, small businesses, the list goes on.

The problem is, though, that in-house IT specialists are expensive, and paying monthly salaries and benefits to such experts may be out of reach for many organisations. Previously, their only other option was to hire less experienced individuals, but while this may still suffice for very basic work, the increasing need for integration, adoption of new technology like Cloud computing or AI, and finding and implementing best solutions can be well out of the wheelhouse for lower-level IT personnel.

The solution has been a steady rise in managed IT service providers. These providers work closely with any given organisation to tailor-make and maintain solutions fit for that specific organisation. For example, a school may need quality internet access and network capabilities, while a social club may require improved Cloud solutions to better store member details. By making use of managed IT services, even organisations that have very little money can acquire highly qualified people to provide them with necessary solutions that can be scaled up or down as needed.

Most recently, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, many religious organisations, clubs, and businesses have had to upgrade their abilities to stream or manage offerings online. Without the right kind of advice and/or accurate installation of necessary hard- and software, these organisations were found to be less likely to adapt well to the changing times.

In all, then, just about any organisation that makes use of IT on either a large or small scale could benefit from employing the services of a managed IT company.