Decarbonising fund good for business

Wednesday 27 April 2022, 2:06AM

By Business NZ


BusinessNZ says Government support to decarbonise large businesses will benefit those willing to explore innovative technologies, while paving the way for others to adopt.

Fifteen businesses have received funding as part of the Government’s third round of Investment in Decarbonising Industry fund, administered by EECA.

BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope says sustainability makes good business sense.

"Investing in cleaner processes for larger industrial players will have a knock-on effect for small to medium enterprises.

"The more we see investment in new, low-carbon technology, the more affordable it becomes for others to take up."

Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) make up 97% of New Zealand’s businesses.

"Together SMEs create a powerful cohort to reach sustainability goals in New Zealand," Mr. Hope says.

"Hopefully what we’ll see as a result of this investment is more businesses choosing to replicate innovative sustainable practices that come from early adopters."