Business Leader Asking Council to Show More Leadership

Thursday 7 July 2022, 12:49PM

By Paul Lonsdale


Paul Lonsdale Central City Business Association
Paul Lonsdale Central City Business Association Credit: Paul Lonsdale

Business leader and manager of the Central City Business Association Paul Lonsdale is asking Council to show greater leadership in Te Kaha Multi Use Arena rebuild. 

Paul says, “The Council has kicked the can down the road long enough and the people of Christchurch are telling the council they want a fit for purpose and fit for future stadium. We have seen indecision, no decision and poor decision making with this anchor project and we hope the Council has listened and will make the right decision next week in approving the additional budget to build Te Kaha Multi Use Arena.” 

Paul believes that once this decision is made, we will see significant new investment in our city from the private sector who have been waiting for council to start building the Stadium. Paul says, “We saw significant investment from the private sector when the Government and Council signed the cost sharing agreement that included all the anchor projects. This agreement provided certainly and confidence for the business and property owners reinvestment in Christchurch post the earthquake. However, there is still a lot of investors waiting for council to start building the stadium.”

He believes the Multi Use Arena is the last significant piece of the City Blueprint that will build equity in the future of our city and a positive platform for investment.