Men: Say Goodbye To Chafing This Summer!

Thursday 29 September 2022, 7:00AM

By Premium SEO NZ


Summer is around the corner, and while many Aussies revel in the warmer weather and increased outdoor time, this season can be especially problematic for those inclined towards chafing. While anyone can experience chafing at any time, elements like heat and moisture make this irritating skin condition more likely to occur. Add to that sensitive skin – especially in areas like the groin and upper thighs – and friction caused by movement and/or ill-fitting clothes and you have the perfect recipe for chafing.

For men, summer can be particularly difficult in the chafing department, as they tend to sweat more, and may opt to wear looser-fitting clothing to cool down (but which has the nasty side-effect of increased friction). Men who live active lifestyles are also more likely to experience chafing during their summer exercises routines, or if they don’t dry off well after swimming or showering. And when it comes to men’s underwear, boxers or briefs that don’t fit well or are not sufficiently breathable can result not only in a recurring chafing nightmare but hold the potential for even more troubling testicular health concerns.

Thankfully, investing in a good set of men’s anti chafing underwear can significantly reduce chafing around the groin and upper thigh areas, even in the worst heat of summer. But what constitutes ‘good underwear’? The best kind has moisture-wicking properties that keep your skin cool and dry, and is made from a natural, breathable fabric like cotton or bamboo. Underwear that keeps everything snuggly in place, but which is neither restrictive nor insulating, is also great for preventing chafing as it limits skin-on-skin friction.

Rather than dreading summer because of chafing – which may at times feel like an inevitable by-product of the season– men really can fully enjoy the hotter weather when they invest in quality anti chafing underwear.