Dental Association dismayed at plans to repeal Smokefree Amendments Act

Monday 4 December 2023, 12:30PM

By Expert Briefing


The act, which had been introduced to protect future generations from tobacco addiction, is set to be repealed despite around 8% of New Zealand adults being daily smokers, among whom Māori and Pacific people are twice as likely to smoke compared to other demographics.

Smoking carries a 10-fold increased risk of oral cancer and a 300-fold increased risk of oral cancer when combined with alcohol consumption.

In 2020, almost 550 people in New Zealand were diagnosed with oral cancer.

The President of the New Zealand Dental Association, Dr Amanda Johnston, has said that the repeal of the act will make it difficult for smokers to maintain good oral health, which will lead to higher costs for dental treatment.

She added that removing smoking could significantly improve oral health for future generations and prevent health issues.