Ashburton's Agraforum NZ on the Critical Role of Soil Liming

Wednesday 28 February 2024, 2:37PM

By Media PA


In the fertile plains of Ashburton and across the South Island, the home of Agraforum NZ, the practice of liming soil is of paramount importance for achieving optimal crop production. This agricultural method, which involves applying lime to the soil, plays a critical role in maintaining soil health and ensuring the sustainability and productivity of our agricultural lands.

Soil pH, which measures its acidity or alkalinity, is a key factor in plant growth. Most crops flourish in slightly acidic to neutral soil, with an ideal pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. However, natural processes and the use of nitrogen-based fertilisers can lead to a decrease in soil pH over time, making the environment too acidic for optimal plant nutrient absorption. This acidification can impair the uptake of crucial nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, resulting in diminished growth, lower yields, and decreased crop quality.

In the South Island, where agriculture is a vital part of the economy, the significance of liming cannot be underestimated. The region's varied climatic conditions, from the arid zones of Central Otago to the more temperate areas around Canterbury, contribute to the speed of soil acidification. Liming counteracts this by neutralising soil acidity, improving soil structure, and increasing nutrient availability. Furthermore, lime application can suppress certain soil-borne pests and diseases, enhancing overall crop health.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's (MAFS) suggest maintaining soil pH between 5.8 and 6.0 for optimal dry matter production. However, for improved feed quality, increased clover growth, enhanced earthworm activity (which aerates the soil), higher calcium content in the diet, and less tightly bound phosphate in the soil, an ideal pH of around 6.2 to 6.4 is advised.

For farmers in Ashburton and the broader South Island, conducting regular soil tests to determine specific lime requirements is crucial. Agraforum NZ believes that tailoring liming practices to the unique needs of their soil enables farmers to optimise this treatment's benefits, ensuring their crops are provided with the best conditions for growth. The proactive management of soil health, including the strategic use of liming, is essential for sustaining a robust agricultural sector, supporting the prosperity of farming in the region for future generations.

Contact Agraforum

Mobile: 0274 485 159

Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724