Another internet related sexual assault

Wednesday 16 January 2008, 11:57AM

By New Zealand Police



Less than 12 hours after warning of the dangers of forming relationships over the internet Hamilton Police arrested a man for sexual violation.

The 36-year-old Te Kauwhata farmer is alleged to have sexually violated a 31-year-old Fijian woman who had come to New Zealand after developing a relationship with the man over the internet.

The victim required medical attention at Waikato Hospital after the attack.

Arrested and charged with sexual violation the man is due to appear in the Hamilton District Court this morning.

This incident follows yesterday's warnings by Police relating to another man who is alleged to have sexually violated two women he met through an internet dating website.

Known by the cyber id of 'Houndman' the 40-year-old man is scheduled to appear in the Huntly District Court on Friday.

Police believe there may be more victims and are appealing for information from anyone who may have interacted with a person that identity.

Waikato police spokesman Andrew McAlley said a 36-year-old Te Kauwhata farmer allegedly sexually violated a 31-year-old Fijian woman who had come to New Zealand after developing a relationship with the man over the internet.

The woman required medical attention at Waikato Hospital after the attack, he said.

The man is due to appear in Hamilton District Court this morning, charged with sexual violation.

Police yesterday warned of the dangers of forming relationships on the internet after a man was charged with the rape and sexual violation of two women he met on separate occasions through a New Zealand dating website.

The 40-year-old Huntly man, known by the id of "Houndman", is due to appear in Huntly District Court on Friday.

Police believe there may be more victims of "Houndman" and want to speak to anyone who may have interacted with him, Mr McAlley said.

He painted himself as a caring and trustworthy individual looking for friendship, police said.

Detective Simon Everson said the first alleged attack happened on November 9 and the second on November 23.

"On both occasions the women have met the man and returned to his rural home outside of Huntly where the alleged offences have been committed."

Other women may have fallen for his routine, Mr Everson said.

"We're aware that he has been a member of this particular website for a number of years and that he has corresponded with a number of ladies over that website and at least one of these ladies has visited him at his home address," he told Radio New Zealand.

Netsafe operations director Lee Chisholm said other victims may be reluctant to come forward if they had got themselves into a situation which was dangerous or criminal.

"I think sometimes people are a little embarrassed about the fact that they're on online dating sites still, even though theses are really common now."

Internet daters should take precautions such as meeting at a public place, with a friend in tow, and querying other users about potential suitors.

"There certainly are also forums on these dating sites where people can talk about bad experiences that they've had," she told Radio New Zealand.

"I think the self policing of the community is a really good way to check out people as well."