Worlds first ever L&P Backyard Cricket Tourney

Wednesday 13 February 2008, 10:01AM

By L And P Cricket Tourney


Ever since way back in the day, Kiwis have always been up for a tonk of cricket in the backyard… hence the name ‘backyard cricket’ or ‘BYC’ as the big kids used to call it. And just like getting yelled at by grumpy old Mr ‘whats-his-face’ next door for smashing his kitchen window, no game was complete without heaps of cold L&P to scull during the drinks break.

So that’s pretty much why L&P has decided to throw a bit of a BYC tourney down in
sunny Paeroa on Saturday the 8th of March. The locals are offering up their backyards for us to have a hit in, which is pretty sweet. All you gotta do is don your favourite pair of stubbies, whip out your trusty old cricket blade and sign up a team of five mates.

You’ll be competing to win not only the legendary L&P Cup (it’s real flash), but also three grand to blow on a team cricket tour or something, a mean-as 6 burner gas barbie and a years supply of L&P. AND 2nd place even scores a sweet-as 4 burner gas bbq (paper, scissors, rock to see who keeps it) and six months supply of L&P. You’ll also be able to tell Mr Shepherd (who didn’t pick you for the Glendowie 3rd XI) where to shove it.

So round up your mates, register a team at, then spend the arvo practising your trademark 10,000 mile an hour in-swinger on your little sister.

L&P and BYC – World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.


1. L&P Backyard Cricket Tourney will be held in Paeroa on Saturday 8th March
2. The locals of Paeroa will host the tourney in their backyards.
3. 12 backyards have been specifically selected by L&P for the Tourney.
4. 48 teams will compete, 5 people per team, and there will be 6 reserve teams.
5. The backyard cricket rules will differ depending on the backyard, and will be decided on the day by the competing teams.
6. Registrations and more information will be at