Media Statement - Issued by Subway Developments

Wednesday 9 May 2007, 6:21PM

By Mediacom


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Subway eat fresh Credit: subway


As provided in our media statement yesterday, the matter between Subway George Street, Dunedin and Jacqueline Lang is confidential between employer and employee, and is being dealt with in the appropriate forums.

Last night in television news reports, the Union representative Bill Clarke claimed there had been no communication from Subway since the police charged Jacqueline Lang with theft. This is an unfounded and untrue statement.

Both parties attended mediation on April 20. When this failed to achieve a resolution, the parties mutually agreed to communicate with each other solely via Mediation Services. Subway has not received any communication from the Union directly or via Mediation Services since then, other than as set out below.

Prior to the story that aired on national television last night, the Union and Galcol Limited agreed to attend a further mediation. This agreement was negotiated by Mediation Services, in the presence of Mr Clarke, and agreed to by both parties at approximately 2.30pm yesterday. Any suggestion by Mr Clarke in television appearances last night, that he was still awaiting notice of mediation was, therefore, completely incorrect and untrue.

Subway George Street, Dunedin continues to be willing to resolve the matter via mediation.