Great conservation deal on table for Bay of Plenty

Friday 7 March 2008, 11:13AM

By Steve Brightwell



A great deal is on the table for the Bay of Plenty community.
Taking a walk in the bush, visiting a pristine beach, geothermal area or alpine region are things most New Zealanders take for granted, but what that experience might be like in Bay of Plenty conservation areas in the future needs more discussion.
The Department of Conservation has listened to the community over the past few years and has an idea of how the experience might feel. It has now released its draft plan that captures these discussions.
Now it wants the community to have a look, consider the proposals and let it know what is good, bad or ugly and whether it fairly reflects its views.
Once the department has that information it can finalise the plan and effectively make a handshake with the Bay of Plenty community to deliver on what is proposed.
The plan is called the draft BOP Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) and is out for the public to consider from March 8.
A 40 day submission period allows anyone who's interested to give the proposals serious consideration then make comment.
Further information about the CMS is available from Bay of Plenty Department of Conservation offices or from the consultation pages on the department's national website: Bay of Plentry Conservator Henry Weston said it is vitally important that the wider community provide input to the final strategy.
"At the end of the day, the shape of our conservation areas for the future is at stake. Ignoring this plan exposes us all to the risk that something has been overlooked - getting involved now ensures we all have a great deal to gain for the future," Mr Weston said.