EUFA recovery road show heads to Nelson

Saturday 15 March 2008, 1:46AM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities



The EUFA RECOVERY ROAD SHOW heads to Nelson on Monday, 17 March 2008,
meeting in Motueka at 10am at the Uniting Church Hall. 

The Road Show moves on to Christchurch on Wednesday meeting at the
Riccarton Community Centre, 199 Clarence Street at 10am on 19 March 2008.
The Main speaker is Mr Gray Eatwell, who has an ongoing dispute over his
dealings with his bank. Mr Eatwell has been exposing unacceptable financial
activities for over 10 years following an issue where he found interest
overcharging on his business accounts. He was at the time a customer of
the Nelson branch of the BNZ. 

The Bank Customer Action Collective was founded as a result of the Eatwell
family business dealings with the BNZ. Mr Eatwell became a member of EUFA
earlier this year and is now the Finance spokesman for the organisation.
Mr Eatwell said from his home in Southland today “It is unbelievable
that this fight has gone on for 10 years". Through Mr Eatwells campaign to
seek justice, his own personal fight continues. His family’s suffering,
as a result of bankers actions is his motivation to bring his knowledge and
experience to investors who are now experiencing identical emotions and
hardship. His motivation for being involved in EUFA' is to offer his
skills to the organisation. Mr Eatwell commented, "The state have an
obligation to protect New Zealanders from the roughshod attitudes of
companies who are taking our personal money as their own. This must be

Coordinator of EUFA said from Invercargill today " We are looking forward
to meeting people from Nelson and surrounding districts on Monday as it
appears many investors are suffering at the hands of shoddy investments and
they have been simply conned ".