Council preparing for more wet weather

Wednesday 16 April 2008, 1:40PM

By Taupo District Council



With more wet weather forecast for this afternoon, Council staff are working hard to return overloaded systems to a state of readiness – and warning people to take care. 


Pump stations are working at capacity to empty the stressed wastewater systems in preparation for more inundation when the heavy rain arrives.


Council contractors are currently clearing the critical cess-pit grates to allow stormwater to drain away to try and avoid surface flooding.


CEO Rob Williams is also stressing the need for children to stay out of any large puddles or bodies of water as they can be very dangerous.


“Children love splashing about in the rain, but if they are playing in or near large holes or stormwater drains, they can be in a lot of danger,” he says. “Holes or Tomo’s can open up unexpectedly – or conversely - a blockage can suddenly clear and drain away at speed, sucking debris or other objects into drains.”


The Broadlands Road Landfill is currently open but Council staff would like to advise the public that it may need to be closed down at any stage if heavy rain makes the site unsafe. “I would advise the public to either get to the landfill early on, or wait until the weather settles down before visiting the landfill,” said Mr Williams.


If the public have any queries they can call Council on 07 376 0899, however in an emergency they should always call 111.